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The stupid stories

Blood Day

Blood Day is a stupid story about a day where there was all this blood. (THIS IS THE BEST SCARY STORY ON THE WHOLE WEBSITE. DON'T READ THE REST BECAUSE THE REST ARE NOT AS CREEPY AS THIS. SCIENTIFIC STUDIES HAVE PROVED THIS!!! THIS IS TRUE!!!) THIS IS THE STORY OF A DAY WHERE THERE WAS ALL THIS BLOOD. A MAN WAS WALKING AROUND AND BLOOD STARTED COMING OUT OF HIM EVERYWHERE. THERE WAS SO MUCH BLOOD THAT IT FILLED UP AN ELEVATOR. HE WENT TO THE STORE AND THERE WAS JUST BLOOD ALL OVER THE PLACE! PEOPLE WERE SLIPPING IN IT AND THEY WERE ALL GROSSED OUT. HE TRIED TO GO SWIMMING AND ALL OF THE SHARKS WENT NUTS AND BITTENED EVERYBODY. HE GOT CHASED BY ALL THE VAMPIRES EVER. ONE TIME THE BLOOD GOT A KID AND A DOG. AT THE END OF THE DAY EVERYONE DECIDED THEY WOULD SEND HIM TO SPACE SO THAT HE WOULD STOP GETTING BLOOD EVERY WHERE. THE SCARIEST PART IS THAT THE MAN WAS YOU!!! (OR HE WAS A LADY IF YOU ARE A LADY) AND YOU FORGOT THAT THIS HAPPENED. (WARNING: IF YOU HAVE A HEART CONDITION DO NOT READ THIS. YOU WILL DROP THE FLOOR, FLOPPING LIKE A FISH, WHILE CLENCHING YOUR HEART SEEING AS YOU ARE HAVING A HEART ATTACK. ALSO, IF YOU HAVE A SENSITIVE ANUS DO NOT READ THIS; THE BRIX YOU SHAT WILL BE PAINFUL.) A FEW YEARS AGO A MAN WAS WALKING DOWN A ROAD BECAUSE HIS CAR BROKE DOWN AND HE SAW A CAR COMING UP BEHIND HIM SO HE STUCK OUT HIS THUMB TO HITCH HIKE AND THE CAR STOPPED AHEAD OF HIM. HE RAN UP TO THE PASSENGER SIDE AND OPENED THE DOOR. WHEN HE OPENED THE DOOR A SKELETON POPPED OUT! A girl was watching TV one night. The phone rang, and the person on the other end said, 'Five days, your mom's dead.' She later found her mom hanging from the ceiling with a rope around her neck. The next day, the phone rang again and the person said, 'Four days, your dad's dead.' Her dad drowned, face-down in his own sink. The next day, the person called and said, 'Three days, your sister's dead.' She discovered her sister lying at the bottom of the stairs with a broken neck. The next day, the person called and said, 'Two days, your brother's dead.' Her brother was found dead in a bathtub with 13 cobras biting him. The next day, the person called and said, 'One day, you're dead.' She was found dead in her house the next day with a knife in her hand and several stab wounds in her chest. Did she kill herself, or did the man on the phone kill her and put the knife in her hand? Nobody knows.
